Facebook Page:
My first website nearly 20 years ago was for the Berean Bible Society in Germantown, Wisconsin. Since that time, I have performed several major redesigns to the site, including a complete conversion to WordPress 2 years ago.
The Berean Bible Society (BBS) site features a rotating slider for featured content on the homepage. Some slides are created automatically as content is added to the site. Slides can also be manually created.
The different homepage sections feature the most recent and relevant content from the major sections of the website including: the most recent issues of the Berean Searchlight, the monthly magazine published by the BBS; featured products from the store including monthly specials; upcoming Bible conferences; the most recent Two Minutes with the Bible articles which are also sent out daily by email; audio sermons in MP3 format; and Bible study articles.
The current site was created completely within WordPress. I used a variety of off-the-shelf WordPress plugins, but many of the site’s features required a great deal of custom programming. The site is using its own custom theme which includes customized support for email list management, adding of Berean Searchlight issues, posting of Bible Conference events and a custom Scripture Index for past issues of the Berean Searchlight.
Responsive Design
The site has many responsive features which allow it to display correctly on screens of different sizes and shapes. We continue to improve the responsive nature of the site.
The site features a store with hundreds of products developed using the WP E-Commerce plugin. I did extensive customization of the plugin to support the various discounted prices offered by the Berean Bible Society, as well as improvements to how Donations are handled through the store.
Email Lists
One of the most used features of the website is the email subscription option. Daily articles are chosen randomly by the software and sent out to thousands of subscribers. In a separate subscription list, thousands of subscribers receive an email when the newest issue of the Berean Searchlight magazine is added to the website each month.
Audio Sermons
The site includes a large library of audio sermons on various subjects. I am currently working on improving this section of the website.
Several sections of the site are integrated automatically with the Berean Bible Society Facebook page using a combination of Feedburner and the NetworkedBlogs Facebook app. When new sermons, articles, Searchlight issues, product specials, etc. are added to the site, NetworkedBlogs detects the changes and posts them to the Facebook page. This brings additional traffic from Facebook into the site to see the latest content. provides a good example of a full-featured organizational and membership based WordPress site.